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I watched it and he was great.Harper pales,
Anonymous, at 1:46 p.m.
Best blog entry ever.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 2:05 p.m.
Honestly, there were times I didn't think this day would ever arrive.
Time heals all wounds.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 2:06 p.m.
Actually, every single Canadian PM of living memory pales. So do most recent Presidents.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 2:07 p.m.
Are you finished?
Anonymous, at 2:34 p.m.
Maybe, maybe not.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 2:44 p.m.
Oh, you mean CG??? Let's hope not!
Jacques Beau Vert, at 2:44 p.m.
Obama has never produced a valid original birth certificate. He was born in Kenya.
Bush years will look like the good old days.
mauser98, at 3:03 p.m.
I doubt he was born in Kenya, but even if we pretend or assume he was, I don't see what difference that will make in the long or short run.
I'm sure he has larger shortcomings than a birth certificate, and I frankly sort of doubt the Republicans or Democrats would allow such a huge loophole through.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 5:01 p.m.
Don't see what difference? the constitution is a big difference. several military personnel have questioned his authority until he can prove his birthplace. Obamas Harvard records are missing.
mauser98, at 5:18 p.m.
Well, I guess the military will just have to ignore him until the matter is sorted out, then.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 5:55 p.m.
mauser - the LA Times debunked that myth long ago. In fact, their website has a copy of it.
Mark, at 8:18 p.m.
LA Times and facts always ruin all the fun.
Pareta, at 9:39 p.m.
mauser98, if you are going to spout conspiracy crap, at least keep your conspiracy crap straight.
The crackpot conspiracy theory is that he was born in Indonesia.
Anonymous, at 10:06 p.m.
His mother was an US born American citizen, therefore regardless of where he was born, he would be an American citizen.
By the way, John McCain was born in Panama, so guess he had no business being the GOP nominee but no one wants to make that arguement. Guess it's all just black and white.
Anonymous, at 2:16 a.m.
"Are you finished?"
Yes, the rightwing nuts are finished. BUT, they'll be back. Ominious music!
JimTan, at 2:16 a.m.
Anon: "His mother was an US born American citizen, therefore regardless of where he was born, he would be an American citizen."
Not necessarily true ... one would have to check the citizenship laws at the time.
There are periods of time, at least in Canadian citizenship law, where children born abroad only received Canadian citizenship through their father.
You'd be amazed how often the citizenship laws have changed ... remember the passport fiascoes?
Anonymous, at 11:12 a.m.
Justin Trudeau said it best !
Anonymous, at 1:55 p.m.
Kenya will soon see construction of a windpower farm at Lake Turkana which will supply 30% of that nation's electric demand... Canada's got millions of empty hectares with wind, we can do even better than that!
Anonymous, at 2:34 p.m.
I love Obama, but the "Are you finished?" was directed at Bo Green. Guy's so far too enchanted with himself...
Anonymous, at 4:50 p.m.
"The crackpot conspiracy theory is that he was born in Indonesia."
No, the crackpot theory is that he was born before Hawaii became a state (a predilection that would have affected Barry Goldwater or John McCain, if they had one elections... Heck George Romney was born in Mexico).
For those gushing over the inaugural address, perhaps you might watch last night's Daily Show. Much of Obama's rhetoric is the same as Bush's (as usual John Stewart's audience hesitated before laughing at their lord and saviour).
My take and predictions regarding the Obama presidency (with the hindsight of the past few months).
1. Obama is not a left wing sleeper agent or the great white hope of the left. Whatever his personal views, he is happy to govern by textbook economics. He is setting himself up to govern from the center in order to win the next election. Traditionally Democratic constituencies are liable to get shafted. The Republicans have an opening if they can broaden their coalition to include shafted Democrats, but are unlikely to do so (usually parties follow these kinds of defeats with bigger ones by nominating idealogues like Goldwater or McGovern).
2. Obama seeks to create a new Democratic super-majority that will outlast him. He hopes to do this primarily by giving his party credibility on the economy relative to Bush (who gets to be Hoover). Hence, Obama will avoid tricky experiments.
3. Obama is more worried about the true believers in a Democratic congress than the GOP (much like Clinton was with NAFTA and welfare reform).
4. Obama wants to be more of a "head of state" than a "head of government". In other words, he will probably dissociate himself from many contentious debates. This will probably reduced the perceived role of the executive branch, bringing it closer to its historical level. This is how Obama will get out of the crisis of expectations that the media has forged for him.
5. Obama will keep almost none of his election promises, using the bad economy to get an out. As usual the media was behind the curve in assessing how realistic both candidate's platforms were. They will probably overreact in the other direction, but only after (if) Obama's approval ratings sink. Advertising-driven media are as much followers as they are leaders of public opinion, as pundits rarely challenge the dominant paradigms, but rather work within them.
6. The GOP will have a modest comeback in midterm elections, before the recovery is apparent. They will credit Mitch McConnell et al's opposition to stimulus spending as the reason for this, helping the argument of "we win when we are true conservatives". However, by 2012 the recovery will be apparent and Obama will probably cruise to a very lopsided victory.
french wedding cat, at 6:02 p.m.
I also advise everybody - whether you love or hate Obama - to read this article. Williams makes the case that only fair and objective assessment of Obama means that MLK's dream is realized. To give Obama a pass where we shouldn't is to set up an ultimately racist construct.
french wedding cat, at 6:06 p.m.
Anonymous, at 2:50 p.m.
Here he is -the future !
Anonymous, at 8:42 p.m.
I watch it from CNN he wear men overcoat during his speech.
belvedere shoes, at 2:22 a.m.
Quite useful data, thank you for this article.
contactos madrid, at 7:50 a.m.
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