They Lasted Longer Than New Coke

It appears the "North Star" is gaining favour as the new catch phrase. I guess it's no surprise that the hockey historian PM would pick a defunct hockey team to brand the country, and I guess we should be grateful he didn't go with Golden Seals or Mighty Ducks.
What I find somewhat confusing is that if Canada is the "North Star", that makes the PM The Little Dipper, which is really more of an appropriate nickname for Jack Layton than Harper. Maybe "The Little Gipper" will catch on.
Due to inconsistencies like this, I think The North Star will never work as a slogan so I'd like to launch a "New Name for Canada's New Government" slogan contest. Please submit your suggestions in the comments section below and I will put them to a vote. To get things started, here are a few slogans I'd suggest:
North North America
Soviet Canuckistan (hat tip - Pat Buchanon)
Trudeauland (hap tip - Mario Silva)
Canada: Can You Hear Me Now?
Canada: Better than Denmark
Canada: A Warm Comfy Welcome Mat With Lots Of Fur
Canada's "Better than the Chretien-Martin" Government
Canada's Non-Corrupt Government
Canada's "We've Seen Worse" Government
Canada's Grrrrrreat Government
Canada's Straight Government
Canada's Temporary Ad Hoc Rainbow Coalition Government
I nominate "Waterworld"
Best to jointly launch in Washington with a knock-knock joke.
US: "Knock-knock"
Canada: "Who's there?"
US: "Water"
Canada: "Water who?"
US: "Water you going to do when we invade you and nationalize all of your water and oil?"
The Anonymous Green, at 2:47 p.m.
I just heard a good one on Debates today - can't remember which Liberal said it -
Along the lines of "the PM is like the North Star he mentions - cold, immovable, distant, and not very bright. I for one, intend to help Stevie regret that sappy analogy.
900ft Jesus, at 2:49 p.m.
Canada's All-Right! Government :)
(with a Happy Face)(white, of course)
900ft Jesus, at 2:52 p.m.
Canada's Greatest Leader in the galaxy of the universe for the North Star of Eternity and forever Government.
Canada's Newfangled, Old Goat, Talking About Turkey Meat Government.
Blues Clair, at 3:15 p.m.
"Canada's Broken-in Government"
"Canada's Thousand Year Government"
"Canada's Unsinkable Government"
Robert, at 3:26 p.m.
Harperland USA
David Harrison, at 3:27 p.m.
Canad'a minority Majority Government
Kirk Schmidt, at 3:27 p.m.
How about:
Harper-Kenny Public Relations,
Specialists in Negative Advertising
Unknown, at 4:02 p.m.
Canada: It's the Liberals' fault.
Canada's Experienced Government (because once you not new any more, you are experienced)
Unknown, at 4:28 p.m.
Maybe "The Little Gipper" will catch on.
Oh man, with wit like this, I can't compete - I just have to sit back and enjoy.
Since "government" implies a bunch of ministers and officials, all of whom have been left behind by Stephen Harper, how about we just take "government" out altogether? Canada's Harper, or Canada's Prime Minister?
Uhh... I warned above I couldn't compete... nevermind.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 4:32 p.m.
"Canada's Clean Government"
"Canada's Clean Air Government"
"Canada's Majority-but not really a Majority Government"
"Canada's Steve Government"
"Canada's Democratically Elected Dictatorship Government"
"Canada's The-Harper-Experience Government"
"Canada's Insert-slogan-here Government"
Sean S., at 4:41 p.m.
Canada's Anti-Liberal Government of Awesomely Right-wing Yesmen. (CALGARY)
Corex, at 4:46 p.m.
Canada's "hey are you looking at me.... yah you, I said are you looking at me? Wanna fight?..." Government
Unknown, at 5:12 p.m.
The $1.02 dollar govt . . . the soon to be lowest taxes in decades govt . . . the govt that actually pays attention to the environment (instead of just talking about it) . . . and the not-from-quebec prime minister . . . the govt without "Provessives/socialists" - soooo refreshing . . . the govt soon to be smaller, like our debt . . .
We now have a dollar like the 60's, employment like the 60's and after a couple terms of PM Harper we may even have a national debt like the 60's.
PM Harper by 2014 will have erased most of the blunders of the incompetent PET and the Cretch . . . these clowns taxed us to death, destroyed the military and lowered Canada's image in the world (hence Buchanan's comment).
Oldschool, at 5:47 p.m.
Could play up our comparison to the states in jest:
"Canada: Welcome to America Jr."
"Canada: Welcome to the 51st US state"
"Canada: The lest threatening former North American British Colony"
"Canada: The english speaking country that isn't American"
bza, at 5:49 p.m.
CANADA is proud again.
evans, at 7:35 p.m.
I loved those shoes....
Eugene, at 8:10 p.m.
The "Just Until the Liberals Get Their Poop in a Group*" Government.
(*Could take a while)
Robert Vollman, at 8:43 p.m.
Canada's New Government: Because some things never get old
Mr.E, at 10:28 p.m.
RE: Oldschool, at 3:47 PM
"The $1.02 dollar govt"...
Yeah the Canadian dollar is worth more because of Harper... not because Bush is destroying the US economy.
"the soon to be lowest taxes in decades govt"...
Funny how so much money appeared so fast for Canada's new government... I'm sure it has a lot to do with changes they made mere months before.
"the govt that actually pays attention to the environment (instead of just talking about it)"...
No comment required.
"and the not-from-quebec prime minister"
Yeah thank GOD we got rid of those kiss Quebec's ass all the time Liberal PMs... we are definitely much better off now.
"the govt without "Provessives/socialists" - soooo refreshing "
And such a perfect fit for Canada considering a huge majority voted for progressive parties.
"the govt soon to be smaller, like our debt"
Don't smaller governments spend less money??
"We now have a dollar like the 60's, employment like the 60's and after a couple terms of PM Harper we may even have a national debt like the 60's."
Funny... haven't there been good employment numbers for years now?
Let me think back for a second... what government was the last to increase the national debt... oh yeah a Conservative government.
"PM Harper by 2014 will have erased most of the blunders of the incompetent PET and the Cretch"
And we all know that the government in between those did nothing but good... GOD I hate blind partisans.
"these clowns taxed us to death, destroyed the military and lowered Canada's image in the world (hence Buchanan's comment)"
Talk about revisionism... which taxes were raised by Chretien?
We are so loved that no other nations want to help us with Afghanistan.
MERBOY, at 11:12 p.m.
"Harper Valley PMO" with apologies, but a definite nod to the sentiment of the song.
Niles, at 1:24 p.m.
Well if they want to take a page from Coke they can switch to being Canada's classic government... however, being the New government didn't exactly elicit angry protests around brand loyal consumers.
french wedding cat, at 1:55 a.m.
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