Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said distributors and retailers should lower prices "as soon as possible" to reflect a soaring Canadian dollar, and held up a copy of the latest Harry Potter book as an example of how some items are still much cheaper in the U.S.
Flaherty said he looked at a copy of the recent Harry Potter book in Washington this past weekend, which was selling for US$29.74 before tax. He came back to Ottawa and purchased the Canadian version, which was $36 before tax.
What the wire story forgot to include was the following:
Upon learning that Dumbledore was gay, a visibly shaken Flaherty promptly returned both the American and Canadian copies of the book.
In other Flaherty news, it appears Jim will be presenting a fall mini budget as part of he who cannot be named's devious scheme to plunge us into an election. The thinking is, I guess, that the Liberals will want to fight an election against tax cuts. Some advice to the dark lord - if the Tories really want an election, just put forward the "Kitten Genocide Bill" and it will happen. Proposing popular tax cuts is not going to do it, especially when the Libs support all the proposals except the GST cut.
Labels: Election Speculation, Jim Flaherty, tax cuts
Go! CG! Go!
Slam it to the dark one!
JimTan, at 1:02 a.m.
The idea is not to call an election. It is to make the Liberals play dead as many times as possible and reinforce the idea in the minds of the public that the Tories are the governing party and have the upper hand. People respect, and for for, strength.
matt, at 1:22 a.m.
Dumbledor was gay? I thought he was a from ZZ Top.
Meantime, how 'bout that caving in ol' Eddie Stelmach did on behalf of big oily oil?
Sean Cummings, at 5:20 a.m.
To clarify, no one has a problem with Dumbledor being gay... now, should he and Harry marry, well then the riot starts.
Tarkwell Robotico, at 9:04 a.m.
"The idea is not to call an election. It is to make the Liberals play dead as many times as possible ..."
You're assuming people give a rat's ass about procedural shenanigans in the Commons.
Raymaker, at 10:01 a.m.
An unprincipled abstention that highlites the Liberal MPs primary motivation;to wit, staying elected;
is the kind of shenanigans people take notice of.
conservativehabsfan, at 1:31 p.m.
conservativehabsfan: Go on the Street and ask your fellow citizens about the Liberal's Abstention of the Throne Speech. I willing to bet that 9 out of 10 will say 'huh'? Only people with a special kind of sickness would pay close attention to these Parliamentary tactics. That includes me!
Blues Clair, at 2:46 p.m.
Go on the Street and ask your fellow citizens about the Liberal's Abstention of the Throne Speech. I willing to bet that 9 out of 10 will say 'huh'?
And I'm willing to bet you likely said the same thing when the Stephane Dion is not a leader ads came out. That no one will pay attention.
Well, you repeat something often enough, and it sinks in whether people are actively listening or not.
Go ask 10 people in the street now if Stephane Dion is a leader...want to bet how 9 out of 10 of them respond?
The abstention will be just one of a dozen pieces that Harper, and the NDP, will use in their messaging that will, over time, make Canadians take it for granted that the Liberals are an ineffective opposition.
That is why wasting more time before an election is bad for Dion, not good. Go now, and the Libs get 80 seats; or go in the spring and fight the NDP for official opposition status.
le politico, at 4:04 p.m.
ask 10 people who is the leader of the liberal party of canada.
Unknown, at 4:30 p.m.
ask 10 canadians what the capital of Saskatchewan is.
Tarkwell Robotico, at 5:58 p.m.
>>ask 10 canadians what the capital of Saskatchewan is<<
Esterhazy... GOD!! What's with you people!
Sean Cummings, at 6:21 p.m.
“That is why wasting more time before an election is bad for Dion, not good. Go now, and the Libs get 80 seats; or go in the spring and fight the NDP for official opposition status.”
Can’t agree with you. The election next year depends on the relative strength of the parties. This spring, it was the government that was on the defensive. We will see whether dion and shadow cabinet can pick themselves up next year.
There’s always a chance of a John-Tory moment for harper.
You do realize that a LPC count of 80 seats would mean that harper will possibly get a majority. And, there will not be any chance to stop harper till 2013. Is that what you want?
Harper is looking for a decisive mistake by the opposition. The PQ has proven once again that their eye is not on the ball. Fortunately, dion didn’t compound his earlier mistakes by rising to the bait.
BTW, the LPC has tapped out its donor base for the year. The Party would double or triple its funding in a 2008 election.
Hope this helps.
JimTan, at 11:43 p.m.
le politico hah!
No problem i'll go out on the street and ask if Stephane Dion is a leader if you go out there as well and ask if anyone knows someone, be it a Minister in the Cabinet, or a backbenchers name other than Stephen Harper in Canada's Conservative Government.
Blues Clair, at 11:51 p.m.
This 'Dark Lord' reminds me of Darth Vader, and then I got to imagining CG in a pivotal moment (just having lost his hand) and the Dark Lord saying "CG I am your father"... Well anyways it made me laugh.
fair sailing, at 3:53 a.m.
Blues Clair, no problem...the ladies still love that swashbuckling, yet sensitive, Peter MacKay!
le politico, at 9:40 a.m.
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