Delusional Calgaria
In fairness, it's a well produced kind of funny, attack ad, but still...
posted by calgarygrit at
4:32 p.m.
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Does this mean that Toronto is no longer the focus of all the nation's hatred and jealousy? Phew! Glad to hand off that job to you blue eyed shiekhs!
bigcitylib, at 5:09 p.m.
"Kind of funny"?!? Try damn funny! I live in Alberta and I think it's great... and true.
Scooge, at 5:16 p.m.
I'd almost call that RMR satire, except that none of the characters are played by Rick Mercer.
It strikes me as pretty good-humoured, overall.
IslandLiberal, at 6:29 p.m.
Also, a lot of those jokes are rather old; I've got my "Rise and Follies of Cape Breton" vinyl record, which has a whole skit about displaced Cape Bretoners in Calgary.
IslandLiberal, at 6:41 p.m.
I heard about this on the local (ATV) news the other day - the story was fairly negative, suggesting that this campaign was embarrassing and ineffective.
But after seeing the video for myself, I have to say that it was effective and low-key. The fact is that there are a lot of jobs going unfilled in NS, particularly in skilled trades and, of course, IT.
The problem is that they don't necessarily pay as much as in Alberta - at least not yet, as I expect this will increasingly not be the case. While taxes are somewhat higher here, the cost of living is certainly lower - and since moving here from Ontario (suburban GTA hell, to be exact), I've come to appreciate living in a smaller place.
That's not to say NS is some sort of paradise - I could say many negative things as well! But living in a town where the nights are actually dark and I'm not kept up all night by the sounds of cars or construction has been sweet.
JG, at 7:06 p.m.
Hm, it's kinda 'cute', but it makes NS look a bit sad. Not the best idea.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 9:06 p.m.
It's a strange public expenditure, no doubt.
IslandLiberal, at 9:23 p.m.
except for the interventionists maritime-styled coiffed hair, that's hilarious! (plus, that chick would never wait around for Jim the boob.)
Tarkwell Robotico, at 9:39 p.m.
If that video prevents even one person from become a Flames fan, it is worth it!
Gayle, at 11:12 p.m.
I think it makes a number of good points that people moving probably haven't considered. My cousin (from Newfoundland) isn't exactly enjoying living in Holiday Inn in Edmonton.
It would have been more effective if it pointed out that Calgary's economic boom is based on oil prices that can come down too, like they did in the 80's and 90's.
french wedding cat, at 11:12 p.m.
Love it. I know that it might shock some people who come from cow-town to hear someone knocking Alberta's very own (Toronto-esque)Centre of the Universe, but these are great ads.
Hasty, at 10:59 a.m.
i am glad calgary and alberta period, is taking the attention away from the centre of the universe. Ie: toronto thats one place full of geographico-centric people...but i cant really say other then economy calgary has much going for it.
Tornoto grew up relatively slowly, nieghbourhood that have a distinct local flavour now exist city wide, cabbagetown, greektown china town, the beaches , downtown need i list more??.
Calgary was a moderatly to small city, for a long time , then add wads upon wads, of economic growth hormone and you have a meduim sized city core and countless un identifiable suburbs one looking much like the other with no local identity other then the local mini mall that offers all the 20th centruy fixing boix stores and 7-11s, ...
But no soul..
The city basically has urban has stretch marks. Its the economic growth and lure of cash, IMHO that has effected peoples rational ability to see what is a good lifestyle versus what they feel will be a big bank account 10 years down the road. With local inflation thru the roof, these people will have to hope the oil boom continues, into the far future ( which i feel it will ) then they can sell up and move out to saskatoon, and regina ... mind you that what retiring calgarians are doing now in the city of saskatoon, seen it 1st hand.
for all the flavour ifeel toronto offers ( the big smoke ie: an illusion) Count me out of that too. Give me lakes, trees clean air clean water... and 1/3 the wage i take that everytime.
Jeff Thunder bay
jeff E of the Great White North, at 11:21 a.m.
Get used to it Folks, the power shift is only in its early stages. The west will soon run the country in all aspects.(sorry Toronto) When the "natural climate change" comes into full effect you may have no other choice but to move west. But don't despair, we will save you a $450000 one bedroom house or should I say condo because that will be about the cost of a condo by the time you arrive and no that will not include a mountain view, not at that cheep price.You will have to face EAST ,sorry .The last one out of Nova Scotia please turn off the lights!! see you all soon.
copl, at 12:36 p.m.
Maybe Calgary should start a website suggesting that living in Nova Scotia is like having a case of crabs...
I'm happy to live in Calgary. And while I was contemplating a vacation to Nova Scotia, I'm not anymore.
Heather, at 9:28 p.m.
As an expatriate Nova Scotian who has found the kind of personal fulfillment here that eluded me throughout most of my career in N.S., a career that included significant periods of unemployment and underemployment, all I can say is that even with inflation and the high cost of housing, I will take life in Calgary any day over life back East. It's always there to return to.
The only thing I found offensive about the N.S. "Calguria" website, paid for of course by tax dollars, was its glaring failure to thank the site's sponsors. By that I mean, with about 40% of the annual provincial government's revenue coming from transfer payments, and given that Alberta and Ontario are the biggest sources of this largesse, couldn't the Government of Nova Scotia had the common decency to include the logos of Alberta and Ontario on its site? I guess I don't mind the slanging from jealous Maritimers but a bit of gratitude for the money would be entirely appropriate, don't you think?
Ann X Pate, at 2:59 p.m.
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