Friday Link Round-Up
2. Rumour has it, the Conservatives are set to cut Canada's participation in several international scholarship programs which is unfortunate.
3. Paul Wells savagely rips into the PLECFFPDDISTW (AKA: Council of the Federation. AKA: NAMBLA).
4. On that topic, I don't have much to say on the equalization topic since I think there's more hope for permanent peace in the Middle East than on finding a formula 10 provinces can live with.
5. Speaking of conflicts with little hope for resolution, Jason Cherniak and TDH Strategies have an interesting back and forth going on how effective Stephane Dion's environmental plan actually is.
6. Gerard Kennedy has come out in favour safe injection sites in Vancouver, taking objection to Harper's musings during the campaign to close them down. Former Vancouver Mayor, Da Vinci inspiration, Kennedy supporter, and Greatest PM We Never Had candidate, Larry Campbell was on hand for the announcement.
Great bits of posts here. I was shocked to learn about the education cuts that are purported. I really really hope that the federal government continues to fund international scholarships through both DFAIT and CIDA, rather than just one department.
I think it's funny that the Lib leadership candidates continue to stake their campaigns on foreign policy issues. This further emphasizes the concern Iggy should have about isolating himself. He needs to get the "channel changed" and reach out to other campaigns.
Also, I think that the further candidates continue to agree on every single issue and only midly disagree on the wording of foreign policy, the more boring the race will become.
Here we are, almost into august, and we're all still waiting for the policy to come out. Not one campaign is being proactive here, every candidate is simply reacting to world events and local news.
Forward Looking Canadian, at 2:47 p.m.
I see someone watched the Daily Show last night, or NAMBLA.
Jeff, at 3:20 p.m.
Michael Ignatieff unavailable to his staff, three weeks later???? Not available to comment for the Star. No one and I mean no ones sick mother in law is a reason for that kind of silence. He is MIA.
S.K., at 3:53 p.m.
Iggy is kinda MiA
Stephen Jenuth, at 4:00 p.m.
The education cuts are goofy. There's no other word of it. It'll be a huge embarrassment to Canadian academe and Canada in general.
I hope that the rumors are false; if anything, they should be giving more money to organizations like the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council...
And, not to mention, the National Science and Engineering Research Council.
It's probably based on some sort of "scholarships are provincial jurisdiction" nonsense; perhaps the "hidden agenda" isn't quite dead yet.
Demosthenes, at 4:08 p.m.
As for Ignatieff... he's trying to avoid commenting until he knows which way the wind is blowing. It's pretty obvious, and the first sign that he can actually play politics.
Demosthenes, at 4:09 p.m.
No, I think he checked into a private Eastern European hospital for a little "rest". At this point in time its pretty obvious that its not his mother in law who is sick, or at least not just his mother in law. There is something weird about this total lack of comment from a leadership candidate, in his area of expertise.
S.K., at 4:15 p.m.
Not one campaign is being proactive here, every candidate is simply reacting to world events and local news.
I couldn't agree more, Riley.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 6:45 p.m.
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