Monday, July 10, 2006

Blog 2

Campbell Clark has his take on the role of blogs in the Liberal leadership race in today's Globe. Liberal blogs have always trailed badly behind Tory ones for both quantity and quality since I started reading blogs but I think this race will help them close the gap since more Liberals are blogging and more are reading blogs.

In other news, guess what story is still in the news?


  • James;

    1. So when Joe Volpe finds a loophole in the law, it's a big scandal, but when the Tories do, it's no big deal? Whaaaaaaaaa?

    2. Check the archives and I'm sure you'll find some posts on my blog slamming Paul for the CSL ships flying foreign flags and avoiding canadian taxes.

    By Blogger calgarygrit, at 3:30 p.m.  

  • Our numbers are certainly increasing. I think that over time some new leading bloggers will emerge.

    By Blogger Jason Cherniak, at 8:03 p.m.  

  • C Grit:

    It's funny how guys like James Halifax don't think its a big deal when Conservatives bend, and break, the rules. But its the end of the world when Liberals do.

    By Blogger Devin Maxwell, at 9:53 p.m.  

  • Joe Volpe and confusing (I sure can't understand them) finance tax laws are not equatable.

    I'm not defending any party or anything, but let's not lose our perspective in our haste to point fingers here.

    By Blogger Jacques Beau Vert, at 10:19 p.m.  

  • Our numbers are certainly increasing. I think that over time some new leading bloggers will emerge.

    Please, god, let some new blogger take a lead over the guy who stood tall for Paul Martin.

    By Blogger Jacques Beau Vert, at 10:49 p.m.  

  • Dan Kingsbury: "The situation that you described may be contrary to section 405.3 of the Canada Elections Act..."

    Here's section 405.3:

    For the purposes of subsection (1), a contribution to a person who presents himself or herself as seeking the endorsement of a particular registered party shall be treated as a contribution referred to in paragraph (1)(a) to a candidate of that party and a contribution to a person who presents himself or herself as seeking to be a candidate not endorsed by any registered party shall be treated as a contribution referred to in paragraph (1)(b).

    I can't see how this relates to convention delgates at all. Is it referring to party nomination contestants?

    Also, note Mr. Kingsbury's use of the phrase "the situation that you described." This implies that he was responding to a reporter's summary of the situation, as opposed to actually sitting down with the complete details and figuring it out for real.

    By Blogger The Invisible Hand, at 2:06 a.m.  

  • That story that is still in the news has a new chapter today. Turns out that The CPC has not, and apparently will not hand in it's Convention Books to the CEO of Elections Canada as was promised 2 weeks ago. See Top O the Blog Somena News for more details.

    By Blogger Somena Woman, at 2:31 p.m.  

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