Saturday, June 11, 2005

Better Safe Than Charest

Although it is somewhat surprising, no one should really be shocked by the news that Gilles Duceppe is staying in Ottawa. As I said earlier in week, Duceppe has one of the easiest jobs in the world right now, right up there with "bed tester" and "Monte Solberg campaign manager". All he needs to do is scream about Gomery and he's guaranteed 60 seats in the next election. The man never has to take a difficult policy stand since he's a federal politician who has no need or desire to make Canada work.

And I'll repeat this since it bears repeating: Gilles Duceppe is only a fraction of the politician everyone believes him to be. He was a spent force in politics before the Sponsorship Scandal broke. Heck, the only French I know is "j'aime le fromage" and I could have swept Quebec as BQ leader last election. The PQ is a bloodthirsty party, something Lucien Bouchard found out after making a similar leap. And Quebec politics are very difficult, something Jean Charest has found out time and time again.


  • Hey CG.

    I just gotta say this, I understand where you're comin from but I was really impressed by Duceppe during the last election, A.K.A. before the Gomery Mess. I've said on my own blog that if he was the leader of a federalist party I'd seriously look at jumping ship.

    That being said I do think your points are very important and need to be brought to light. I do think he is a little more substantive than meets the eye though, that's what scares me about him.

    Keep up the good work

    By Blogger Hishighness, at 10:21 p.m.  

  • And remember, Duceppe can still fight the referendum for the oui side, like Bouchard did in '95.

    So he can keep his image shinny as BQ leader so that he's still seen as the golden boy if there's another referendum.

    By Blogger calgarygrit, at 1:59 p.m.  

  • I heard a theory (from a Francophone) this weekend that Duceppe will now be seen as a wimp in Quebec for not taking the prize that he clearly wants. It sounds like his decision to stay federal might actually be good for us in the long-run.

    By Blogger Jason Cherniak, at 1:22 a.m.  

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