Alberta Votes Day 5: This time, when we say "It's time", it really is time

A collection of random nuggets from the first week on the campaign trail...
1. The leader's debate has been set for 6:30 mountain time on Thursday, April 12th. Unless of course, the Flames make the playoffs and play that night, in which case the leaders will fall over each other to demand it get moved.
2. The Wildrose campaign slogan is "It's Time". You'll recall this slogan proved hugely successful for Kim Campbell in 1993 and the Alberta Grits in 2008.
3. The Wildrose Party has released its financial platform promising no deficits and few meaningful cuts. Oh, and they're giving out tax credits too! I know, I know - that raises some serious questions about costing. But don't worry - she consultant with noted economist Tim Hudak first.
4. If 4-way splits in Edmonton weren't enough for you, good luck trying to figure out Edmonton-Mill Woods, where former PC MLA Carl Benito is running as an indepedent. I look forward to Benito's concession speech on April 23rd, when he blames his wife for his defeat.
I posted my election primer, looked at the polls, and took issue with Alison Redford's attack on Danielle Smith...and Danielle Smith's attack on Alison Redford. Play nice.
Robert Vollman offers a humourous primer, and a recap of the campaign to date. LiberalVince talks about the Calgary Varsity PC candidate throwing Alison Redford under the bus over the no-pay committee. Hatrock wonders what "progressive" really means? Colby Cosh blogs about Danielle Smith's personality-advantage over Alison Redford. David Climenhaga longs for Ed Stelmach.
As always, daveberta is the go-to source for your Alberta political news. In addition to daily notes, Dave has put together a handy compilation of links, maps, and information about the election, as well as a complete candidate list.
Labels: 2012 Alberta Election, Alison Redford, Carl Benito
Actually the first and most successful election campaign where a party used "It's Time" was the Australian Labor Party under Gough Whitlam in 1972 when they ended a 23 year Australian Liberal (Tory). Enjoy this trip down memory lane
DL, at 10:20 a.m.
2. The Wildrose campaign slogan is "It's Time".
That's not their slogan, it's just the a line used in their first ad.
Anonymous, at 11:24 a.m.
I believe that's also Vader's slogan from WWE.
Robert Vollman, at 1:58 p.m.
Do you see anyone in the Wild Rose bunch who would make good cabinet ministers?
Nuna D. Above, at 12:14 p.m.
NL NDP used "It's Time" last October.
Jordan, at 3:43 p.m.
Didn't Kim Campbell use "It's Time"?
Anonymous, at 8:00 p.m.
Anon 8:00 here. Guess I should have read the blog more carefully, eh?
Anonymous, at 8:01 p.m.
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