Moment of the Decade: #4 Same Sex Marriage Legalized

If you want an example of how quickly the public mood shifted on the issue of same sex marriage, look no further than the House of Commons. In 1999, the House voted 216 to 55 in favour of the “traditional” definition of marriage – that is, the traditional “one man and one woman” definition, not the more traditional “one man and one woman of the same race and religion” definition, or the biblical “one man and many women” definition.

Personally, I never really understood the opposition to same sex marriage. It simply doesn’t make sense to deny a right that won’t cause a harm, so it was only a matter of time before it became law.
Because of that sense of inevitability, it’s tempting to downplay the significance of the event. After all, thousands of same sex couples had been married by the time Parliament passed the law because of provincial court rulings. And the Supreme Court had basically forced Parliament’s hand on the issue. Even as Liberals were arguing in favour of the law, their support seemed to stem more from the Supreme Court ruling rather than a belief that equal marriage was the right thing to do.

This decision showed us something about how Canadian values had evolved. Being the 4th country to do it, the decision told the world something about Canadian values. That’s why this policy really stands out and is a worthy finalist for the moment of the decade crown.
No history book is ever going to talk about a 2-point cut to the GST. This is something that will make the history books.
Don't forget the December 7, 2006 vote, which passed 175 to 123.
You heard a lot of discussion between the 2005 vote and 2006 vote but since this one was a free vote, and opponents had their open say, the issue could finally be put to rest.
Robert Vollman, at 10:20 a.m.
This was a fun contest,and I'm enjoying the recap countdown.
I guess that leaves Iraq, merger, and coalition, right? I'd vote Iraq on that list, but I suspect coalition will win since its fresh in everyone's mind.
Jeff, at 11:11 a.m.
I dunno Jeff, I think the merger might come out the winner, even if the coalition is still fresh on everyone's minds. The merger has had an astounding impact upon the politics of this decade in ways that especially make it distinct from the right-vote-splittin' 90s.
But, we shall see, shan't we? Good lists so far, Grit! Look forward to the remaining three.
Kyle H., at 11:49 a.m.
This one made me even prouder of my country. It gets my vote.
Gayle, at 12:34 a.m.
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