While I don't for a minute doubt that the energy experts are in on the anti-Conservative conspiracy with the CBC /
ElectionCanada /judges/ doctors/
everybodyelsewhodisagreeswithHarper, I thought this was an interesting story, well in line with
what others have said.
Although on the flip side, this also means that Harper's plan, if enacted, isn't nearly as toothless as his adversaries would have people believe. It just means that the
$8 lettuce era is coming, regardless of who gets in (I know I'm building up my stockpile of lettuce heads in preparation for this!).
"If enacted..." somewhere down the road, over the rainbow, in La La land.
bigcitylib, at 8:25 p.m.
I didn't think there was ever any doubt that there would be price increases in a very wide range of things under either a carbon tax or a cap and trade scheme.
I attended a lunch & learn session this afternoon with the Pembina Institute and even they said that price increases were inevitable -- they also said that one of the bigger challenges with a carbon tax program was the recycling of tax credits and refunds to those who need it.
Anonymous, at 8:39 p.m.
Experts agree: the fundamental theory of economics is valid!
If only we had someone with an MA in Economics as our Prime Minister. Instead, we got a hockey historian.
Johnny, at 8:59 p.m.
And by MA in Economics, you mean one that wasn't in political economy.
Anonymous, at 10:31 p.m.
"If only we had someone with an MA in Economics as our Prime Minister. Instead, we got a hockey historian."
Hang on! Steve is with the Reform Party. He can be anything he wants. He's never wrong.
JimTan, at 12:29 a.m.
I never liked lettuce anyway. I mean, it's like 90% water or something - I can get that for free from my faucet!
Jacques Beau Vert, at 1:13 a.m.
jason, has anyone ever told you you're a dead ringer for Obama?
And I agree with you re lettuce; it's just an expensive way to contribute to the desertification of California.
Anonymous, at 11:54 a.m.
I think the article misses out the important question: "BY HOW MUCH".
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pay per head call center, at 4:22 p.m.
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