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Explain that to the LPC.
Columns upon columns about his hot "x-girlfriend".
Möbius, at 5:24 p.m.
It's nice to know someone on our side has a bit of sanity left.
There's enough reasons to dislike these Conservatives without dragging nonsense into it.
laura k, at 5:33 p.m.
She might be a security threat! She was at secret meetings! She could have stuffed secret material down her top! (Or a bus, for that matter. Check out her picture.).
bigcitylib, at 6:19 p.m.
bigcity; for the amount of chat on your blog and now in the comment section of others about this woman's breasts...what are you? a 13yr old boy? not sufficiently breast fed as a child? this is precisely why this is such a non-issue but the LPC caucus seems to have a collective woody like bigcity.
Anonymous, at 6:52 p.m.
l-girl has it right. As does CG.
They're down in the fourth quarter by twenty one points, and they've been throwing desperate hail Mary's hoping to land a "scandal" touchdown pass.
In the process they've given up their "contender" status, showing they're not even close to being ready to play in the big show again.
And it's too late in the game to pull Dion off the field.
If they were smart, they'd focus on defence to avoid a blowout.
But I see Dion warming up on the sidelines with another "carbon tax" hail Mary and the defence is reading his play like a book. It's got interception and a return touchdown written all over it.
Anonymous, at 7:20 p.m.
Spot on. He's Foreign Affairs Minister, stick to criticizing him on Foreign Affairs grounds. Who he's nailing at the time really isn't a matter of public interest.
MB, at 9:26 p.m.
Gee "Sportscaster" do you think you could torture that metaphor any more? By the way, when did a two point spread (according to the latest Ipsos-Reid poll) become "down in the fourth quarter by twenty one points"? Get a clue.
Also, what "hail Mary's" does Team Harper have left after having slashed the GST to no effect but a loss in revenue? A "gas tax holiday" perhaps? That's something economically dumb enough to be in their playbook.
Red Tory, at 5:45 a.m.
National polls that don't drill down are not very useful.
Non election cycle polls are even worse (Kim Campbell was doing just fine [according to the polls], until the vote drew near).
So lets stick with the facts:
Dion has not opposed a single major CPC policy. Not one.
This was supposed to be one of the most tenuous minorities in the history of the country, with three opposition parties united against the very new CPC party.
Instead Harper has run it like a majority, and Dion isn't opposing anything (accept in his speeches leading up to his hand sitting, in which he sounds very much the ferocious opposition leader).
Harper has done far more with this minority that anyone predicted, including quashing Quebec seperatism, for the first time in decades. That one thing (among many) makes this minority government one of the most impressive, given its supposed "weak" position.
And while Harper steers the SS Canada away from the perils of the seperatist berg, the petty Liberals sit in the galley complaining about the soup being too salty, pointing fingers at ex girlfriends.
No, this minority government has been an overwhelming success and, conversely, the Liberal opposition has, by any definition, been an absolute failure.
Anonymous, at 8:50 a.m.
Good on you, Calgary Grit. This story is embarrassing.
J. Kelly, at 12:02 p.m.
isn't there a Toronto-based band with a name fitting the obsession of pre-teen adolescent boys............
fitting of the media coverage(?)
Unknown, at 3:11 p.m.
Can we add the desperately-stupid "Dion Carbon tax" to your list?
Anonymous, at 1:21 p.m.
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