Thursday, November 10, 2011

The end of whatshisnames campaign

Not since the Dean Scream has a Presidential campaign imploded in a matter of seconds.

This clip may go down as one of the worst debate performances in US history:



  • Wow
    I feel sorry for him yet totally appreciate his ability to laugh it off - I actually like him more for this clip

    Presidents have staffs and Cabinets for exactly this reason (which is why I never faulted Bush for not knowing the Chinese Premier's name)

    I get your point though; it's bad optics and well arms anti-Perryites, no question

    (I also didn't get the big deal about Howard Dean's scream... I thought it showed passion and sincerity and made me like him)

    By Anonymous JBV, at 1:27 p.m.  

  • It's really sad that he's being criticized for forgetting the third agency while ignoring the fact he would cut education. This is FAR more worrying to me than a detail slipping his mind.

    By Blogger Ian, at 2:03 p.m.  

  • Ranting against the Department of Education is such a staple of Republican candidates that it's hardly noteworthy.

    By Blogger Sean C, at 2:50 p.m.  

  • And I agree, worst debate performance I can ever recall. Quayle was widely derided, but all he did was make boastful comparisons of himself to JFK. This was the Chernobyl to Quayle's Three Mile Island.

    By Blogger Sean C, at 2:51 p.m.  

  • When was the last time a Repugnican lost ground among his peers for looking, sounding, or being stupid?

    By Anonymous diona, at 6:57 p.m.  

  • A couple important points: first, the reason this is problematic is that these are elements of his stump speech which he simply forgot. Nobody can believe he would put up a credible fight against Obama in a debate if he can't even remember his own key policies, let alone go toe-to-toe against other world leaders on matters that may change the world.

    Second, eliminating the federal Department of Education would not be very likely to reduce education funding or focus in any meaningful way. What it would do is get out of the way of every State and Local Department of Education.

    I challenge anyone to name one benefit the US Federal Department of Education has brought in the last decade.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:08 p.m.  

  • "I feel sorry for him yet totally appreciate his ability to laugh it off - I actually like him more for this clip"

    Which is why he's probably not done. Most people know what it's like to draw a mental blank which is obviously what this was so people will be sympathetic.

    And seriously, it's not like he said anything really dumb like having travelled to all 57 states. Whatever happened to THAT clown?

    By Anonymous Premature Obituary, at 9:18 p.m.  

  • Perry was already in trouble and seen as a weak debator, so this feeds those perceptions.

    The Republicans want to beat Obama, and he certainly doesn't look like he has the ability to do that right now.

    It's no surprise his InTrade stock fell from 9% to 4% within 15 minutes of the gaffe.

    By Blogger calgarygrit, at 11:08 p.m.  

  • And I'll add - Mitt Romney is the luckiest candidate ever. It's clear no one really wants to give him the nomination, yet the alternatives are imploding one by one.

    By Blogger calgarygrit, at 11:09 p.m.  

  • Your right, how can Rick Perry compete with Obama's teleprompter who can't forget anything.

    Personally, I like candidates who show a human side. Me, I forget where i put my car keys on a daily basis.

    Departments of education are fetid breeding grounds for useless bureaucracy, unions and farming socialist policy. Let school administrators make decisions on the local level and let elected School Trustees decide policy. No need for a monolithic tax money wasting bureaucracy.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:25 a.m.  

  • Mitt Romney is the luckiest candidate ever

    Haha, so true, and so well-said, sir.

    By Anonymous JBVerte, at 1:31 p.m.  

  • InTrade stock fell from 9% to 4% within 15 minutes of the gaffe.

    Ouch... really?

    It didn't faze me at all yet I of course recognize that many ppl, esp in the media, view it as catastrophic.

    Dean's scream was played, I've heard, hundreds of times on TV... curious if this is as big a deal in that regard.

    By Anonymous JBVerte, at 1:34 p.m.  

  • Your right, how can Rick Perry compete with Obama's teleprompter who can't forget anything.

    Obama has participated in debates with Hillary Clinton and John McCain and, at worst, held his own - at best he was judged the clear winner.

    By Blogger Sean C, at 4:58 p.m.  

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    By Anonymous Otake, at 9:32 a.m.  

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